Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Reasons to Date a Climber

Hey hey cuties! Sorry for not posting lately! No, I haven't been that busy; I just kept forgetting. In my defense, I was reading a really, really, really, really, really good book and looking for plant pathology jobs. That's about it. I've been working a few shifts at SBP and exploring Seattle a little at a time. Also, my last box I have been waiting forever for arrived empty. That's right. EMPTY. Cute. Now I get to figure that out and wait some more.

Anyways, the more fun part of my life. Two weekends ago, Aaron, Travis, Patrick, Eugene and I went bouldering at Leavenworth. Yeah, I spent my weekend with a bunch of geeky computer dudes ;)  By the way, this was Travis's third time climbing ever. On Saturday, we warmed up on some slabs and taught Travis a little about bouldering. I hopped on Lovage (V3) and got reminded that I need to work on my heel-hooks. I worked out a few of the moves so next time I can send (hopefully). I also ran into a few of the people I work with at SBP. I saw Holly, Jason, and Meredith! Then we went over to a V6 or 7 (Aaron will correct me if I'm wrong) for Aaron to do. I tried it for fun but I'll just say that the first move is a little out of my reach. Literally a little out of my reach. Anyways, it was fun. The next day we went over to Drugstore Cowboy (V3) and Patrick sent! I was super close but couldn't quite pull off the top-out. Next time.
Then we hung out by Sunny and Steep (V2) and Funny and Cheap (V4) for awhile. Finally we got burnt out. No really. Sun-burnt. Wow, I am full of puns today. So we got sick of the sun and hung out in the shade drinking a few beers. All the boys were psyched on slab (why? why not overhangs?) so I had the job of sitting atop a boulder looking cute and holding their beers while they climbed. Eugene and Patrick climbed up this dirty crack that looked oh so climbable. They called it 'Moss in My Crack.'

Fast forward one week and now we are in Vantage. Aaron, Travis, and I got our trad and sport on. When I was racking up, I showed Travis the gear, the idea behind passive and active pro and blah blah blah. Anyways, we hiked on over to the Sunshine Wall and hopped on Throbbing Gristle (5.9). I experienced forearm pump for the first time in months. Then we did Strokin' the Chicken (5.6) and I drilled my elbow which made my hand and fingers go numb. Hey, at least my pulleys weren't hurting, right? Anyways, after that, Aaron and I toproped Stems and Seeds (5.11a). Aaron sent it pretty easily so I was like 'Yeah, I can do that!' Well, the two parallel crack had my monkey arms stretched to the max and there were times I couldn't span the distance at all to stem. I worked my way up for awhile and then called it quits. To wrap up, Aaron lead Sinsemilla (5.10c) which was another stem route. I am very proud to say that this was one of the hardest trad climbs I've ever done!! I was so psyched - I made it over halfway before I fell. Okay, so maybe I'm not the next professional climber but this is huge for me. Maybe I can convince Aaron to go back and I can TR it a few more times and then maybe possibly try leading it? I'll buy you a hangboard if you say yes. 

So I have no idea who this is but this is basically what you do for a long time. I wanted to be one inch taller sooo bad.
So, I noticed the other day that if I'm wearing a T-shirt or tank-top, nobody bothers to see if I need help carrying a very heavy package while fighting with a door. But if I'm covered up it's "Oh, sweetheart. Let me help you. That box is so big for someone so small." And that's usually when the box is a whopping 5 pounds. So guys, here are some reasons you should date a girl who is a climber - not one of those girls who "goes to a climbing gym" and lifts the 3 pound dumbbells and doesn't break a sweat.

1. Moving furniture is much easier when your woman can help you heft a sofa up a flight of stairs and hold the door open while trying to play tetris with the doorway and not pinch her fingers. Or yours.

2. You can mime beta of this super sick problem you flashed the other day and she understands just how tough it was to lock-off on that super small crimp and gun for the sloper that was baking in the sun.

3. She owns leggings. Fess up, she looks smoking in them. Especially while climbing and you're spotting her.

4. You have someone to go climbing with all the time. Plus, she's a cute climbing partner.

5. Need motivation to climb harder? Suddenly that Vdoubledigits you've been projecting seems totally attainable.

6. If you run out of chalk, there is a second chalk bag nearby.
7. Now you don't have to carry the rope, trad rack, shoes, food, jacket, draws, slings, tape, chalk, more food, batteries, headlamp, and whatever else you put in your pack by yourself.

8. She'll come up with a bunch of jokes and puns about nuts while climbing trad with you. Laugh, even if it's not funny, because she can't stand on the good feet or use the good hands to take out the darn nut you placed (a little too well) out of her reach on the good holds.
 9. You'll have a soft catch if you take a fall while leading your newest sport project. If not, don't yell at her because your life is in her hands and in reality she just saved your life.

10. Her core workout is a contender with yours. Or puts yours to shame. It's okay. You can do more pull-ups than her. Your manliness isn't in jeopardy. 
Happens to me all the time. 
Alright, that was fun. Anyways, I need to get back to searching for plant pathology jobs. Yay.

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