Wednesday, January 8, 2014

When Anna Came to Visit...

As most of y'all know, Anna came back to the States!! So naturally, that was one of the biggest highlights of my winter break. I got some awesome gifts, visited my Wisco friends, spent some quality time with the pup-dog, trekked from family event to family event, ate too much food, and froze. I know I know! The suspense is killing you! I guess I'll tell y'all.
Y'all know how much fun it is to go from moms' to dad's to stepfamily and dad's to mom's and blah blah yak. Moral of the story, I believe I saw every single family member I have. Luckily, I was able to visit Great-Grandpa Koenig before he passed away. To be over 21 and celebrate a holiday with a great-grandparent is something most people can't do, so I'm glad I did. 

Here comes the best part. Make sure you're sitting down with feet flat on the floor. Take a few deep breaths. This. Will. Blow. Your. Mind.
On 28 December 2013, at 11:48am on a bright, cold, Wisconsin winter day, Megan was picked up by her friend Joe to go to Milwaukee. Meeting them in Milwaukee was Mr. Casebeer. After throwing her suitcases and other travelling bags into the bed of Casebeer's truck, Megan squeezed into the back seat as Joe claimed shot gun. They took of towards Chicago O'hare. After paying a few tolls, they managed to find a parking spot in the airport. They searched for food in all the terminals but had to settle for Mickey D in the international terminal. When the flight was about to land, they kept a close eye on the arrival board. Eventually Megan got sick of looking at the board and told the boys she was going to go check the baggage claim for the incoming Dublin flight. As she neared the entrance, she stood on tiptoe to get a better view. From across the room, their eyes met and she knew she found the one she was looking for. They ran - well, actually pressed through the crowd - towards each other. Then at the very last moment, Megan opened her arms and embraced the one and only Anna. And that, folks, is how we were reunited after a long 9 months apart.   ** Remind me to never write a book haha **
Naturally, Chicago traffic needed to be jammed up the wazoo and more tolls seemed to pop up out of nowhere. We managed to keep Anna awake and fed her goldfish courtesy of Kiley. I don't really remember what we did that night besides catch up on each other's lives and manage to not fall asleep until after 10pm (4a London time). Saturday morning, Zac made a yummy breakfast for us, went to the grocery store, did a little shopping, then went to the Old Fashioned for supper. DISCLAIMER: After not having real Wisconsin cheese after 6 months makes you want to have cheese curds for every single meal for a week at the very least. Spotted Cow goes perfectly with cheese curds.
Soooo good. Wisconsin should really sell legit cheese curds in Raleigh, NC.
We watched a few episodes of Game of Thrones, Archer, some other stuff I wasn't fully conscious for and card games. Then Kiley finally arrived and the real party began. We went to Lena's to celebrate New Year. We ended up on the roof, why? I'm not sure but it was fun! The next day was one of recovering from hangovers and eating lots of food, and napping on the couch. Then, we went to bed early and woke up even earlier to start an adventure...

Where did we go? What did we do? Who was along? Why did it take so long to get to our destination? When did we get to paradise? Stay tuned for the next installment of "Life as a PlantPath Girl: Adventures with Anna"

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