Friday, July 26, 2013

Visitors from Wisco

Hello beautifuls! Hopefully the sun isn't scorching y'all wherever ya are! I don't think I've ever had this many freckles before - I'm not used to this! Anyways, this past week has been an eventful one, to say the least. Before I tell y'all about my super entertaining life that you are anxious to know about, here's a poem I wrote about my Great-Grandma Koenig who I miss dearly...
On Sunday, Kiddo and Dad arrived after staying the night in Charleston, WV. After packing my fridge, freezer, and pantry with enough food to feed a small army, I gave them the tour of campus. We found a sports bar grille not too far off campus (where I managed to find veggie burgers) and had a relaxing evening. Monday we went all over the place blowing bubbles in memory of Great-Grandma. We were at the capitol at the time of her funeral back home (which I really wish I could have made it home for) and played the song Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold whilst we blew bubbles. Listen to the song here:
These are some very happy grass cells!
Tuesday, I gave them the tour of the lab and fields I do research in. We explored Clayton, NC and Kiddo bought a Coca-Cola porcelain button sign at some pawn shop. We went all around downtown Raleigh and relaxed. Wednesday, Dad and I toured Cary, NC where there are a ton of cute little shops. Emily Meyers (who I'm not related to and never met before recruitment weekend, I swear) and I are already looking forward to moving to Cary for the second year of grad school. Oh and I bought soap from France; so cool.
“Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.”  - Vladimir Nabokov
Thursday we went rock climbing at Triangle Rock Club in Morrisville. My arms are a little sore but not as bad as they used to be when Aaron first got me addicted. Speaking of...I am belay certified at the TRC :)  Also...I bought some gear!! I'll show my stuff which I'm obviously extremely excited about. All I need is climbing shoes and I'll be set for the gyms!!
I'm so excited! I promise to not let you fall!
Chalk bag and chalk came with the package so why not!?
My harness!! It's a perfect fit and blue. You know me, making fashion statements (hah, not)
Today, Dad and Kiddo left at 5:43a which means I had to set the alarm for 5:02a. Of course, after they left, I couldn't fall back asleep so I finished reading Dancing Dogs by Jon Katz (pretty decent read). Then I got my butt up and took the bus with Emily to research. I actually had something to do today which was really nice. I more or less assisted Risigan with inoculating and harvesting mycelia. I know, you're all jealous you don't get to play with fungi all day long; it's pretty fun. As my advisor said, "The more I work with fungi, the more of a fun guy I become." Just hilarious. Anyways, I need to eat; I'm a bottomless pit. I'd like to have an eating competition with a Badger Defensive Lineman - okay, so that's a slight exaggeration. You try fueling a runner for a day and see what your grocery bill comes to. I can guarantee you won't like it! Anyways...I'm off for the day. Hopefully Dad and Kiddo miss the rush hour traffic in Chicago!! Love from Raleigh (: 

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