Monday, November 12, 2012

Plenty of Projects

Before you read this posting...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch the video in the link above. I promise with all my spirit that it is worth your time. It's only 4:30 minutes - please watch it. For me, for you, for Her.

Anybody interested in doing 3 term projects and a term paper? Come on! I promise it will be loads of fun! You can do the projects on top of taking classes and working 15 hours a week! Sounds like so much fun....tempting huh?

PLP 309 - Diseases of Trees and Shrubs - collect 20 diseases of trees/woody ornamentals (a lot harder than you may think especially with this bipolar weather). One specimen has to be from the Basidiomycota phylum, one from the Ascomycota phylum, one abiotic factor, and one from the "Deuteromycetes." Then for 10 of the 20 collected, write up a diagnostic sheet with signs/symptoms/management techniques/lots of Latin names....oh and some specimen have up to 3 different names AND the taxonomy is in a huge state of flux - yay :)

Before Ceratocystis fagacearum
After Ceratocystis fagacearum (Oak Wilt)

LA 250 - how does a Feng Shui landscape benefit human health --> write a 2 page summary and design a Feng Shui landscape using the information found and describe how your design fits the definition of Feng Shui and benefits human health
When we create harmony and balance in nature, it is reflected in our own lives.
Rainforests/Coral Reefs 375 - Why do we need to protect our coral reefs? What are the conservation struggles with the Great Barrier Reef/Ningaloo/Swains? Why should we be concerned with preserving biodiversity? What are the human impacts on coral reefs and how can we lessen or delete these? --> making a lesson plan for high schoolers based off of these questions...and then we get to get it published on the web (this will be my 2nd publication!!!!!)
      ****It's best not ask me these questions at the dinner table...I am VERY EXTREMELY pro-diversity and will spend the rest of dinner convincing you that you should care about biodiversity too ****
Ningaloo Reef (parts that haven't been destroyed)

Coral Reef destroyed by humans and our greed
PLP 875 - term paper on biofuels in Guatemala (Eucalyptus) and how they are or aren't sustainable and if they are even a good idea - turning our food into fuel...what do you think?
Just another plantation that destroyed another 100 or so hectares of tropical rainforest.
Any takers? I'll even start you off with an outline and trusted academic/scientific resources!! Oh, and 53 more days until Guatemala :D

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