Monday, October 29, 2012

Exams Are Fun

Exams are awesome. Exams are bubbly. Exams are colorful. Exams are delightful. Exams are exhilarating. Exams are fun. Exams are great. Exam are hilarious. Exam are invigorating. Exams are jubilant. Exams are kind. Exams are lovable. Exams are magnificent. Exams are nonjudgmental. Exams are optimistic. Exams are precious. Exams are queenly. Exams are refreshing. Exams are spectacular. Exams are treasures. Exams are ultimate. Exams are victorious. Exams are wonderful. Exams are xyloid. Exams are yttric. Exams are zany. I LOVE EXAMS!

This is how I feel every time.
Kidding...I really don't. Especially physics - how on earth does that relates to plants and their diseases. This is what I usually ponder on during class when I get bored listening about torque equilibrium and why the box spins when 500 N of force is applied to the top left corner. Cool. Unless there is a plant in that box, I really can't say I'm too interested in the topic. Anyways, I have a physics exam on Thursday and I'm not too excited about it.
I understand all of this. Yup.

Ever wonder why certain majors require certain classes? I'm going to be a well-rounded individual who knows chemistry, biology, physics, gained skills in quantitative reasoning, problem solving, and putting up with bullcrap classes. And the social science, humanities, ethnic studies, and the like classes - super cool to learn about. I took a class about the Yucatec Mayans - SWEET! But when on Earth will I ever apply the knowledge I gained. At least I can say "Ki'imak in wool in wilikech" and know all 54 countries in Africa.
Rocca Albornoz, Spoleto, Italy
Oh well, I don't understand why I'm required to take these classes but oh well...that's a liberal arts college education for you! At least they were all easy A's to boost that GPA :)  Super cool fact: My first semester at Madison my GPA was a 2.75 (don't take 400 and 300 level classes as a freshman - take those as juniors and seniors). I have raised my GPA to 3.13 as of last semester (my fourth). That's a huge increase - most people's gpa's actually go down so I'm happy with that. My GPA within my major courses is a 3.5 and is looking to be at about 3.75 after the semester. Some grad school has to dig that!!
I should probably go study for the physics exam now...BYE!!

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