Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hills, Sprints, Ladders, Loops, Out 'n' Backs, Trail

Hello my beautifuls! First and most importantly, my little brother turned 18 today! So I guess I should say, "Happy birthday Kiddo!" Mom and Dad, how does it feel that your two babies are officially adults? I bet y'all feel like you're in your early 30s and not a day older! So I think I'm finally adjusted to the climate in Raleigh - just another day of 90s and humidity! No worries, I'm not going to turn into a wimp and wear full winter gear when it hits 60F. 

I know I may have posted this video before...but watch it again. When people ask why I'm studying an Environmental Science - this is my answer. To me, this is one of the most powerful videos I have ever seen. This is my passion and you can say all sorts of things like "that job doesn't pay as well as mine" "why do you even bother? that means nothing to me!" "Earth was made for us to use whatever we want however we want" "that's stupid" or "my job means more than your job" but you will never get me to stop doing what I'm doing. In other words, my job means more to me than mansions, fancy cars, and diamond rings. I rather live in a shack, bike everywhere, and do what I love than have any of the above while having a job I hate. So here, take a few minutes and see the world through the eyes of Megan.

Here is another video about why I choose to go into agriculture. Everything starts with the Earth and then goes through a farmer. Take a look: 
Here's a plant pathology one. 

Alright, so all y'all who ask what Plant Pathology is why the heck I want to pursue a career in this - just look at this. I will help feed the world.

So besides paying bills and rolling mycelia into balls, I've been running and running and running and running and reading and running and running. Have some pictures to help get your butt off that chair and put yourself into motion. As the physicists say: "A body in motion tends to stay in motion" (I'm pretty sure that's a slogan for some arthritis medication as well!). Any takers?

So this isn't a running one but great nonetheless.

Meditation while running: compassion

PlantPath Girl or Border Collie?


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