8 more days of class....8 more days...I can do this!
The semester is coming up to a wrap! I never thought it would come. I have 3 more online lectures for Rainforests and 5 for Landscape Architecture. I have 2 more classes of both of the phytopathology courses I'm in, 4 more physics lectures, 4 more times of yoga at the butt-crack of dawn, and only 2 more physics labs! That reminds me...I want to see if my physics TA, Doruk, will be a TA for next semester physics. I'm going to go off on a tangent about physics. Bear with me. If you were in my shoes...you would too. I know it.
https://www.facebook.com/earthfacts?ref=ts&fref=ts (this is my new obsession). The pictures are stunning. If it was possible to lose your breath, these pictures would take your breath away. I promise. Here's a few sample pictures!
Dalhellu, Faroe Islands, Denmark, Earth |
Lapland, Finland, Earth |
Gosau, Austria, Earth |
So Physics. All 5 of my advisers asked me how physics 103 was going and I said, "Decent...I'm above the average." That surprised them because apparently physics 103 is the worst-taught class on campus. Damn, were they right! Basically, I have to read 50 pages a week for 90 minutes of lecture a week. And when they lecture, they basically reread the book to us. No examples of how to perform the calculations or explanations of why we use this modulus instead of the other guy's. The best part --> every time the professors try to do an experiment it never works. At least I get a laugh out of that instead of falling asleep. ANYWAYS...Doruk leads the discussions and lab sections. HE ACTUALLY EXPLAINS THINGS! Whoa, I know, it's a new concept that nobody has ever heard of before! I almost fell out of my chair from shock. Haha, just kidding. Doruk explains everything so well that even us non-physics majors can understand what we are supposed to be learning. Out of all the TA's I've ever had, he is by far the best. He will literally sit down next to you and help you work out the problem when you don't have any clue. Or he will go through it and show you where you went wrong and explain why it is wrong. Then he will show you how to do it right and explain why this is the correct way of doing it. If there was a recognition or reward for being the best TA ever...he would definitely get it. Basically...all of the students in my section are begging him to be a TA next semester so we can continue to pass the class. Otherwise we are going to hunt him down (we know where his office is).
Zhangjiajie National Park - China |
Killaloe, Clare, Ireland, Earth |
Thankfully this semester is almost over. I finished one group project. Please don't ask how many more I have to do. I may burst into tears at any second when I have to tell you how much I have left to do. Oh oh oh! I also finished my disease diagnostic reports - there were 20 of them. Lena (my roomie from freshman year) and I went for a hike in Blue Mounds. It is absolutely gorgeous there...you have to go! When we were there, I found 5 diseases that I needed for my collection. (see the relevance of telling you about my hike with Lena?) I found a conk and big as my head and we all know my head is big. BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF KNOWLEDGE DUH! Ha - bet you didn't see that one coming. Wow, I'm a funny one today. Also, I'm really bored and feel like writing a blog. It feels like I'm writing my life story to a computer. Actually, it feels like I'm talking to myself a lot. That's good so I don't talk to myself aloud. The roommates may get freaked out by that. I'm getting hungry so I'm going to make lunch. That's what people do when they're hungry right?
Atitlan, Guatemala, Earth |
32 more days until Guatemala :D